Response of Soil Chemical Properties, Performance and Quality of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas L.) to Different Levels of K Fertilizer on a Tropical Alfisol

ackground:The optimum rate of nutrient must be defined with reference to soil properties for individual crops and soil.Objective:Field experiments were carried out in 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons to determine the various levels (0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg ha-1) of potassiumfertilizer (muriate of potash , KCl), on soil chemical properties, leaf nutrient contents, performance and proximate quality of sweet potatoes(Ipomoea batatas L.).Method:The five treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates.Results:Studies showed that K fertilizer in both the years significantly influenced N, P and K concentrations compared with the control and also increasedthe soil concentrations of these nutrients from 0 - 160 kg ha-1 K fertilizer. However, soil K only increased up to 80 kg ha-1 fertilizer after whichthere was a decrease. There was a reduction in the values of Ca and Mg in the soil as the levels of K increased. Leaf nutrient concentration of thesweet potato was consistent with the values of soil chemical properties recorded. 80 kg ha-1 K fertilizer was observed to be the highest value ofsweet potato growth and tuber yield after which there was a reduction. The yield decrease was adduced to excessive K application leading toimbalanced sweet potato plant nutrition compared with N, P, Ca and Mg. K fertilizer significantly influenced moisture, vitamin C and carbohydratecompared with the control. The highest values of fibre and protein were obtained at 80 and 40 kg ha-1 K fertilizer, respectively. Dry matter and fatcontents of the sweet potato reduced by K application from 0 - 160 kg ha-1 application rate.Conclusion:For best tuber yield, quality and economic response of K fertilizer to the sweet potato in the agro-ecological zone or in other similar soil conditionselsewhere in the tropics could be achieved by applying 80 kg ha-1 K fertilizer.
Author Listing: C. M. Aboyeji;A. O. Adekiya;O. Dunsin;O.T.V. Adebiyi;Charity O. Aremu;T.A.J. Olofintoye;Babatunde O. Ajiboye;Iyiola Oluwakemi Owolabi
Volume: 13
Pages: 58-66
DOI: 10.2174/1874331501913010058
Language: English
Journal: The Open Agriculture Journal

Open Agriculture Journal

影响因子:0.0 是否综述期刊:否 是否OA:否 是否预警:不在预警名单内 发行时间:- ISSN:1874-3315 发刊频率:- 收录数据库:Scopus收录 出版国家/地区:- 出版社:Bentham


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