Action Research and Teacher Education: The Use of Research in a Classroom for the Transformation of Reality

Abstract This text aims to provide reflections on an education-investigation experience within a continuing education course for teachers of public schools in a municipality located in the region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The object of this course involved the use of classroom research as a pedagogical tool, which was developed in an action research perspective. The participants of the course were challenged to develop investigative skills on daily school life, based on the construction and development of a research project focused on the concerns related to their contemporary teaching practices. The analysis of the modes of reception and appropriation of those involved in the research, and expressed in the materials produced, suggests how difficult it is to exercise the passage from naive to epistemological consciousness through criticality. This element reinforces the importance of the process of reflection-action-reflection in the teacher’s education and his/her performance. Keywords: teacher education, action research, research in the classroom, reception and appropriation. ----- Investigacion-Accion y formacion docente: el uso de la investigacion en un aula para la transformacion de la realidad Resumen Este texto tiene como objetivo proporcionar reflexiones sobre una experiencia de investigacion educativa dentro de un curso de educacion continua para maestros de escuelas publicas en un municipio ubicado en la region del estado de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. El objetivo de este curso involucro el uso de la investigacion en el aula como herramienta pedagogica, que se desarrollo en una perspectiva de investigacion- accion. Los participantes del curso fueron desafiados a desarrollar habilidades investigativas sobre el cotidiano escolar a partir de la construccion y el desarrollo de un proyecto de investigacion centrado en las inquietudes relacionadas con sus practicas docentes contemporaneas. El analisis de los modos de recepcion y apropiacion de los involucrados en la investigacion y expresados en los materiales producidos sugiere lo dificil que es el ejercicio del paso de la conciencia ingenua a la conciencia epistemologica a traves de la criticidad. Este elemento refuerza la importancia del proceso de reflexion-accion-reflexion en la formacion y en la actuacion docente. Palabras clave: formacion docente, investigacion-accion, investigacion en el aula, recepcion y apropiacion. ----- Bibliography: Stecanela, Nilda/Chaves Zen, Alessandra/Pauletti, Fabiana B.: Action Research and Teacher Education: the use of research in a classroom for the transformation of reality, IJAR – International Journal of Action Research, 2-2019, pp. 132-156.
Author Listing: Nilda Stecanela;Alessandra Chaves Zen;Fabiana B. Pauletti
Volume: 15
Pages: 132-156
DOI: 10.3224/IJAR.V15I2.04
Language: English
Journal: International journal of action research

International Journal of Action Research

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