Participant and co-operative research within a social movement of recyclable materials collectors Methodological reflections on a long-term political praxis

Abstract This article presents methodological reflections on a participant research within the National Movement of Recyclable Materials Collectors (MNCR) in Brazil. It emphasises methodological aspects of the researchers’ long-term participation in the process of questioning and denaturalising of political, social, and economic inequalities by the collectors, understood as subjects of their selforganisation. It addresses quality criteria for long-term participant research, and the role of the scholar in the tension between engaging in social movement and being an integral part of academic life. The development of a master’s thesis and of a doctoral dissertation between 2010 and 2016 sets the background. This article is a systematisation of the hermeneutic practice focusing on the research relations and processes of sharing of meanings between actors and researcher, aiming at the improvement of the subjects’ political praxis. Keywords: recyclable materials collectors, praxis, reflexivity, denaturalisation of inequalities. ----- Investigacion participante y cooperativa dentro de un movimiento social de recolectores de materiales reciclables. Reflexiones metodologicas sobre una praxis politica a largo plazo Resumen Este articulo presenta reflexiones metodologicas sobre una investigacion participante dentro del Movimiento Nacional de Recolectores de Materiales Reciclables (MNCR) en Brasil. Enfatiza los aspectos metodologicos de la participacion a largo plazo de los investigadores en el proceso de cuestionamiento y desnaturalizacion de las desigualdades politicas, sociales y economicas por parte de los recolectores, entendidos como sujetos de su autoorganizacion. Aborda los criterios de calidad para la investigacion participante a largo plazo y el papel del academico en la tension entre participar en el movimiento social y ser parte integral de la vida academica. El desarrollo de una tesis de maestria y una tesis doctoral entre 2010 y 2016 establece el telon de fondo de la reflexion. Este articulo es una sistematizacion de la practica hermeneutica centrada en las relaciones de investigacion y los procesos de intercambio de significados entre actores e investigadores, con el objetivo de mejorar la practica politica de los sujetos. Palabras clave: recolectores de materiales reciclables, praxis, reflexividad, desnaturalizacion de las desigualdades ----- Bibliography: Benites Oliveira, Cristiano/Sobottka, Emil Albert: Participant and co-operative research within a social movement of recyclable materials collectors Methodological reflections on a long-term political praxis, IJAR – International Journal of Action Research, 2-2019, pp. 113-131.
Author Listing: Cristiano Benites Oliveira;Emil Albert Sobottka
Volume: 15
Pages: 113-131
DOI: 10.3224/IJAR.V15I2.03
Language: English
Journal: International journal of action research

International Journal of Action Research

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