The effects of high intensity interval training on appetite management in individuals with type 2 diabetes: influenced by participants weight

Background and purposeThe connection between exercise and appetite has ramifications for acute energy balance and weight-management. Research would suggest that exercise training can transiently suppress appetite, particularly in overweight and T2D, healthy-weight individuals. However, the effect of such a transient appetite suppression on subsequent food intake may be restricted. The aim of this thesis was to investigate appetite responses to HIIT in obesity with T2D and to assess the effect of other exercise characteristics, as well as exercise intensity, in mediating these responses especially appetite hormones.Materials and methodsEighty individuals with type 2 diabetes (forty normal and forty obesity weight) performed HIIT trials, all in arandomly divided, in 8 groups (10 in each group) which included, obesity non-diabetic control, obesity diabetic control, normal weight diabetic control, obesity non-diabetic training, obesity diabetic training, normal weight, non-diabetic training, and normal weight diabetic training. Twelve-weeks HIIT sessions (each session of an interval training includes 60\xa0s of high intensity training (85–95% of reserve heart rate))\u2009+\u2009running for 60\xa0s at low intensity (55–60% of reserve heart rate) were applied. Blood samples were taken at the beginning and after the fourth, eighth and twelfth week of the training. Data were analyzed using repeated variance analysis and Pearson correlation coefficient.ResultsThe results showed that training reduced ghrelin plasma levels in obese diabetic subjects (P\xa0<\u20090.05). Training has reduced PYY plasma in healthy subjects (non-diabetic) with normal weight (P\u2009<\u20090.05). Training reduced plasma levels of PYY in diabetic patients with normal weight and increased it in obese diabetic and healthy subjects (P\xa0<\u20090.05). Training has increased GLP-1 plasma in obese diabetic and diabetic with normal weight groups (P\xa0<\u20090.05). Training reduced TNF-α in normal (non-diabetic) subjects with normal weight and diabetic and non-diabetic obese subjects.ConclusionCollectively, the studies reported here suggest that appetite hormones differ between lean and obesity participants. The finding also suggested HIIT is more likely to elicit appetite hormones responses in obesity than in lean individuals with type 2 diabetes. Therefore, with caution, it is recommended that the high intensity interval training can be beneficial for these patients.
Author Listing: Saleh Afrasyabi;Syed Mohamad Marandi;Mehdi Kargarfard
Volume: 18
Pages: 107 - 117
DOI: 10.1007/s40200-019-00396-0
Language: English
Journal: Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders

Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders

影响因子:1.8 是否综述期刊:否 是否OA:否 是否预警:不在预警名单内 发行时间:- ISSN:2251-6581 发刊频率:2 issues per year 收录数据库:ESCI/Scopus收录 出版国家/地区:- 出版社:Springer Nature


Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders is a peer reviewed journal which publishes original clinical and translational articles and reviews in the field of endocrinology and provides a forum of debate of the highest quality on these issues. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, diabetes, lipid disorders, metabolic disorders, osteoporosis, interdisciplinary practices in endocrinology, cardiovascular and metabolic risk, aging research, obesity, traditional medicine, pychosomatic research, behavioral medicine, ethics and evidence-based practices.As of Jan 2018 the journal is published by Springer as a hybrid journal with no article processing charges. All articles published before 2018 are available free of charge on springerlink.Unofficial 2017 2-year Impact Factor: 1.816.

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年发文量 187
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