A Comparative Study between the Effect of Nerve Growth Factor and All-Trans Retinoic Acid versus their combined use on Taxol Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Adult Male Albino Rat

Introduction: Peripheral neuropathy is a major side effect of chemotherapy. Nerve growth factor induces peripheral nerve regeneration. Retinoids play a significant role in neural growth. This study aimed to investigate the curative effect of either recombinant human nerve growth factor (rh-NGF) or all trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) alone or together on taxol induced peripheral neuropathy. Materials and methods: Fifty two male albino rats were divided into five groups. Group 1was control group. Group 2 was i.p. injected with taxol (2mg/kg) on days 1, 3, 5, and 7. Group 3 received taxol as in group II then at the 10th day it was i.p. injected with NGF (10ug/kg daily for 20 days). Group 4 received taxol as in group II then at the 10th day it was i.p. injected with ATRA (25mgkg daily for 20 days). Group 5 received taxol as in group II then it was i.p. injected with rh-NGF and ATRA at the 10th day with the same previous dose. Neurophysiological assessment was done for sensory and motor nerve conduction velocity and amplitude as well as thermal pain threshold. Sections of sciatic nerve were prepared for immunohistochemichal and electron microscopic studies. Results: Taxol injected animals exhibited signs of peripheral neuropathy at the 10th day after the first dose of taxol. There was a significant decrease in sensory and motor conduction as well as prolongation in thermal pain threshold. Myelinopathy (splitting, ovoid fragments and invagination) and axonapathy (compressed irregular axoplasm, myelin figures and destructed mitochondria) were seen in the histological examination. Glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactive positive cells were significantly increased. rh-NGF and ATRA could ameliorate the electrophysiological and the histological changes. Their combined use had the best result. Conclusion: This study concluded that the use of rh-NGF and ATRA combination could improve taxol induced peripheral neuropathy in male albino rats.
Author Listing: amany Abdelrahman;Nesreen Abd El-Haliem;hassan elnady;asma lotfy;hoda Moghazy
Volume: 42
Pages: 408-424
DOI: 10.21608/EJH.2019.7080.1063
Language: English
Journal: the egyptian journal of histology

Egyptian Journal of Histology

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