Parasitological, Hematological, and Immunological Response of Experimentally Infected Sheep with Venezuelan Isolates of Trypanosoma evansi, Trypanosoma equiperdum, and Trypanosoma vivax

There are three trypanosoma species of veterinary importance in South America: (1) Trypanosoma evansi, the causative agent of derrengadera mechanically transmitted by bloodsucking insects such as tabanids, (2) Trypanosoma vivax, also mechanically transmitted by some dipteras hematophages as tabanids and/or Stomoxys, and (3) T. equiperdum, a tissue parasite adapted to sexual transmission and the causative agent of dourine, a distinctive disease that affects only Equidae. In order to evaluate the parasitological, hematological, and serological response of sheep infected with T. vivax, T. evansi, and T. equiperdum, four female sheep were experimentally infected with Venezuelan trypanosome field isolates: two T. evansi of differing virulences, one T. equiperdum; one T. vivax. Parasitemia and clinical parameters such as hematocrit, red blood cell count, hemoglobin, and body temperature were measured. T. evansi caused a chronic disease with undulant parasitemia alternating with some cryptic periods of at least 54 days, with no clinical signs. T. equiperdum, never described as infectious to ruminants, also caused a chronic disease with low undulant parasitemia. T. vivax caused an acute infection with severe anemia showing a drop of more than 70% of the hematocrit value, high fever, and rapid deterioration of physical condition, for 36 days of infection. Indirect ELISAs using crude extracts of the three species of trypanosomes as antigens were performed for detection of anti-trypanosome antibodies in sheep sera. Cross-reaction was observed between the three parasite species. These results show that sheep are susceptible to the three-trypanosome species and suggest they can act as a reservoir when sheep are raised and managed with other important livestock such as cattle, horses, buffalos, or goats. These findings are especially interesting for T. equiperdum, a species that has not been reported as infective to sheep.
Author Listing: Nereida Parra-Gimenez;Armando Reyna-Bello
Volume: 2019
Pages: None
DOI: 10.1155/2019/8528430
Language: English
Journal: Journal of Parasitology Research

Journal of Parasitology Research

影响因子:1.4 是否综述期刊:否 是否OA:是 是否预警:不在预警名单内 发行时间:- ISSN:2090-0023 发刊频率:- 收录数据库:ESCI/Scopus收录/DOAJ开放期刊 出版国家/地区:United Kingdom 出版社:Hindawi


年发文量 42
国人发稿量 -
国人发文占比 0%
自引率 0.0%
平均录取率 -
平均审稿周期 13 Weeks
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偏重研究方向 Medicine-Infectious Diseases
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100.00% 99.29% - -


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