An empirical analysis of India’s trade in goods with BRICS

The purpose of this paper is to examine the empirically the trade flows between India and BRICS. The bilateral revealed comparative advantage index (BRCA) is computed for the assessment of comparative advantages of exports by India to BRICS countries for period 2001–2015. In addition, the trade complementarity index (TCI) between India and remaining BRICS countries is examined. The study has employed the gravity model of trade to find the role of selected variables on promoting India’s trade with BRICS countries. The findings of BRCA concluded that India holds a comparative advantage predominantly in agricultural and allied products followed by manufacturing and man-made products. BRCA analysis indicated minor structural changes between the years 2001 and 2015 for India’s export basket with BRICS countries. The higher TCI values suggested the scope of trade potential between India and BRICS countries. The results of panel gravity model for exports, imports and trade showed that most of the variables have the expected sign and are statistically significant. Results suggested that among the other variables, GDPs of trading countries and population can explain export, import and total trade flows. One of the major findings of the gravity analysis confirmed that distance acts negative, as a major constraint in increasing the trade flows of India with BRICS.
Author Listing: Javeria Maryam;Ashok Mittal
Volume: None
Pages: 1-23
DOI: 10.1007/S12232-019-00328-7
Language: English
Journal: International Review of Economics

International Review of Economics

影响因子:0.0 是否综述期刊:否 是否OA:否 是否预警:不在预警名单内 发行时间:- ISSN:1865-1704 发刊频率:4 issues per year 收录数据库:Scopus收录 出版国家/地区:- 出版社:Springer Nature


International Review of Economics - Journal of Civil Economy (IREC) covers a broad range of macro- and microeconomic topics, and showcases high-quality empirical, theoretical and policy-oriented contributions. In particular, IREC welcomes papers focused on the analysis of social interactions, wellbeing, welfare and happiness, capabilities, reciprocity, trust, relational goods, formal and informal institutions, law and economics, prizes and incentives, economics and philosophy, economic theology, the history of economic thought, non-profit organizations, and social economy. Civil Economy refers to a 18th-century Southern European tradition, which views the market as a pre-condition for civilization. Today, Civil Economy denotes a special focus on the ‘civil’ and ethical dimensions of economic issues, and on pursuing the common good in the economic domain. Officially cited as: Int Rev Econ


年发文量 -
国人发稿量 -
国人发文占比 -
自引率 0.0%
平均录取率 -
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版面费 -
偏重研究方向 Economics, Econometrics and Finance-Economics, Econometrics and Finance (all)


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0.00% 0.00% - -


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