Subgroups in chronic low back pain patients – a step toward cluster-based, tailored treatment in inpatient standard care: On the need for precise targeting of treatment for chronic low back pain

Objective: The purpose of this study was to find applicable clusters for the development of different treatment pathways in an inpatient multimodal pain-therapy setting based on the multifaceted nature of CLBP. Methods: Based on data of questionnaires (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Marburg Questionnaire on Habitual Health Findings (MFHW), quality of life assessment using the Short-Form 12 (SF 12)), a retrospective two-step cluster analysis involving a sample of chronic low back pain (CLBP) patients (N=320) was calculated. Subsequently, the clusters were precisely described and compared on the basis of further data collected during the patients’ standard care: pain characteristics, socio-demographic data and the general state of health, psychological variables, therapy intensity, and Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) data. Results: We found a three-cluster solution: little psychological interference but marginal physical and mental quality of life (Cluster 1); poor well-being, low physical quality of life, and marginal mental quality of life (Cluster 2); and heavy mental strain and marginal physical quality of life (Cluster 3). Conclusions: Similar to previous studies, our results suggest that patients suffering from CLBP differ with regard to the magnitude of mental burden and the presence of physical impairment. These differences ascertain the need for precise targeting of treatment for CLBP. Inpatient pain centers therefore should offer different multimodal therapy pathways and integrate a meaningful triage, taking into account the multifaceted nature of CLBP based on sophisticated knowledge about forms, differences, and relationships among the biopsychosocial components of CLBP.
Author Listing: Anna-Maria Langenmaier;Volker Eric Amelung;Matthias Karst;Christian Krauth;Franziska Püschner;Dominika Urbanski;Christine Schiessl;Reinhard Thoma;Bernhard Klasen
Volume: 17
Pages: None
DOI: 10.3205/000275
Language: English
Journal: GMS German Medical Science

GMS German Medical Science

影响因子:0.0 是否综述期刊:否 是否OA:否 是否预警:不在预警名单内 发行时间:- ISSN:1612-3174 发刊频率:- 收录数据库:Scopus收录/DOAJ开放期刊 出版国家/地区:Germany 出版社:Association of the Scientific Medical Societies


年发文量 -
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平均审稿周期 11 Weeks
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0.00% 0.00% - -


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