Suitability of the art therapy room and changes in outcome measures in the education system

ABSTRACT This study examined the relationship between art therapists’ perceptions of their art therapy room in schools, and related outcome measures for 55 students. We posited that there would be a positive correlation between art therapists’ satisfaction and their perception of the suitability of the rooms in which they provide therapy, and their clients’ outcome measures. Thirty-six therapists completed a questionnaire about their perceptions of their therapy room. Students completed questionnaires on self-perception and loneliness, and their parents and homeroom teachers reported on behavioural problems before and after therapy. There were no correlations between the art therapists’ perceptions of the room and the outcome measures. However, there were correlations between improvement in outcome measures as reported by parents and teachers and single items; e.g. the location of the room, the suitability of its equipment, and perceiving the material and furnishings as positive. Plain-language summary The art therapy room provides a framework for therapeutic work and is designed to meet the needs of the theoretical approach and personality of the therapist, the characteristics of the client population, and the institution in which the therapy takes place. The therapy room has a crucial impact on the initial relationship between the therapist and the client and is perceived as an environment that acts as both container and containment during the therapeutic process. Although the physical conditions of the therapy room are likely to play a role in the success of therapy, scant research has explored this issue, in particular in the school setting. The current study examined the relationship between art therapists perceptions of their art therapy room in schools, and related outcome measures for 55 1st to 7th graders. We expected a positive correlation between art therapists satisfaction and their perception of the suitability of their therapy rooms and their clients outcome measures. We asked 36 therapists to complete a questionnaire on the physical conditions of their therapy room. Their student clients completed questionnaires on self-perception and loneliness, and their parents and homeroom teachers reported on behavioural problems before and after therapy. No main correlations were found between the art therapists perceptions of the room and the outcome measures. However, there were correlations between improvement in outcome measures as reported by parents and teachers and single items, including the location of the room, the suitability of its equipment, and perceiving the material and furnishings as positive.
Author Listing: Yafit Danieli;Sharon Snir;Dafna Regev;Michal Adoni-Kroyanker
Volume: 24
Pages: 68 - 75
DOI: 10.1080/17454832.2018.1564778
Language: English
Journal: International Journal of Art Therapy

International Journal of Art Therapy: Inscape

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