The state-of-the-art: building a positive future for art therapy through systematic research

In our previous editorial we considered the history of the journal and the importance of understanding and building on past work and development in order to shape the future of this journal and art therapy research, in a positive, coherent and unified way. To do this we need to make ourselves aware of the current issues facing our clients in terms of funded accessibility, and also the art therapy profession in terms of jobs and livelihoods. The recent Workforce Survey (2018) by the British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT), has shown that at the time of the survey only 25% of responding art therapists were in full time employment, with a growing number developing their own practices and becoming self-employed; 10.17% solely self-employed; 17.10% part-time self-employed; 17.53% mixing parttime employment and self-employment (Workforce Survey BAAT, 2018). This demonstrates a level of resilience as a profession to the austerity driven funding cuts of art therapy services. Developing resilience as individuals and as a profession will enable us to create new knowledge and coping strategies that can be brought to bear on the problems we and our clients face. The survey also highlights that there were slightly more responding art therapists working with adults than children: 61.56% working with adults; and 68.00% working with children (Workforce Survey BAAT, 2018). This is in contrast to the lack of parity for child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) compared to spending on adult mental health services in the UK (Office of the Children’s Commissioner [OCC], 2018). In preparation for our forthcoming special issue focusing on art therapy with children – an area for which there is a need for further research on clinical effectiveness (McDonald & Drey, 2018; Regev & Cohen-Yatziv, 2019) and further understanding of the mechanisms of change (Deboys, Holttum, & Wright, 2017) – we discuss the impact of real-term funding cuts on mental health provision for this client group and art therapy in general. It is a challenging time to be an art therapist and the impact on children and young people is particularly concerning. In the UK around three children in every class (one in eight) experience difficulties with their mental health (Government Statistical Service [GSS], 2018). The government has stated that children and young people’s mental health is a priority area and acknowledged that mental health issues often persist into adulthood, leading to individual harm and wider societal costs (DoH & DfE, 2017). However, the rate of progress is slow in some areas and there is a gap between what is provided and what children need with the Office of the Children’s Commissioner (OCC) reporting more than 338,000 children referred to CAMHS last year, yet less than a third (31%) receiving treatment within the year (OCC, 2018). In her 2018 briefing, the Children’s Commissioner Anne Longfield stated that the current system was:
Author Listing: Susan M. D. Carr;Alex McDonald
Volume: 24
Pages: 53 - 55
DOI: 10.1080/17454832.2019.1601846
Language: English
Journal: International Journal of Art Therapy

International Journal of Art Therapy: Inscape

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