The Need for Needs-Based Planning: A Commentary

112 MODELING TECHNIQUES ARE COMMONPLACE in many fields. Health economic applications, for example, use modeling to forecast lifetime quality-adjusted life years in cost-effectiveness analysis. These models typically take a broad perspective, attempting to model national policy impacts or to be representative of the national population. Modeling techniques are also common in the management and organization literatures, where planning models are used to help specific organizations, such as hospitals, develop and implement strategic plans to address emerging issues. Less common, however, are models to help local governments make decisions regarding the substance use treatment needs of their population. Three articles in this supplement help fill this gap and highlight the potential utility that models to support needsbased planning can have if tailored for local governmental authorities. Brennan and colleagues (2019) illustrate how an existing modeling framework can be adapted for local authorities in England to predict alcohol treatment need and allow a variety of “what-if ” scenarios to be assessed. Hirschovits-Gerz and colleagues (2019) demonstrate how national data can be used to develop local models of substance use treatment need for seven Finnish municipalities. Mota and colleagues (2019) illustrate the use of local data to support a model of substance use treatment need for São Paulo, Brazil. Taken as a group, these three articles show the potential of modeling for local substance use policy. Local policymakers urgently need the information that such models can provide since it is often local policy that has the biggest impact on people’s lives. For example, the U.S. federal response to the opioid epidemic has been slow, but local efforts to address the opioid epidemic have moved at a much faster pace. One such effort in Guilford County, NC, involves partnering local government with researchers at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro to support peer outreach, needle exchange, and naloxone kits for first responders to help prevent opioid overdose deaths. Although Guilford County is fully committed to combating the opioid epidemic, like all local governments its budget is limited and, therefore, it needs COMMENTARY
Author Listing: Jeremy W Bray
Volume: Sup 18
Pages: 112 - 113
DOI: 10.15288/JSADS.2019.S18.112
Language: English
Journal: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. Supplement

Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs. Supplement

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